I have lived in Goa for more than 20 years but never really knew what people from other parts of the world thought about us until one fine day I landed up in Bangalore. Here is one of the many conversations I have had with people and they the start and end pretty much the same way.
Someone: Hi, where are you from?
Me: Hi, Goa.
Someone: Wow!!! That's a great place to be born in. You are a very lucky man.
Someone: Are you from proper Goa?
Someone: So tell me do people start drinking from the morning it self?
Me: That's true. There are so many people from all over who come to visit. We need to provide them with alcohol when they want right. After all they come for the cheap booze and the other cheap pleasures.
Someone: No I mean the Goans do they drink from morning.
Me: Well you know what, that is one of the biggest misconception people have about Goa. People from Goa are very good social drinkers and are very responsible ones. The stupid bollywood movies have really given Goa and Goans a very bad name. All people can think of Goa is beaches and drunkards.There is also a huge population that does not drink at all. Tea-totlers. You might wonder how is this possible. But thats the way it is. We however do encourage people to come and drink. That's one of the main sources of income for many. Apart from tourism, ofcourse.
Someone: Oh! Ok. So can you play the guitar?
Me: Another misconception. Not everyone from Goa can play the guitar and dance beautifully. There are many talentless people like me.
Someone: Ha Ha Ha...
8 years ago
How about the one where we are referred to as the "Goanese" like Chinese :)
hehehe ...yeah i think I should add that also
Really Funny dude
My collegue in B'lore was not sure if Goa is a state or part of Karnataka...
And once someone even thought that Goa is not part of India!
...but no matter what they know about Goa the first reaction is always... 'Wow'
nice blog Paresh... I have faced this n number of times.....
Jessel true I dont know where Goanese comes from .....
Some more things are like....
1) expectation that we wear very jazzy and multicolored clothes.
2)we know about where all bad stuff happens...
3)we eat fish for breakfast,lunch,snacks,dinner.
4) fish is very very cheap in Goa...
5)we are westernised and dress badly(indecently)
hey dude ,thts really true...these
ppl think tht goa is a place which is meant to be only 4 fun,illegal things and all...
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